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Why I wrote the book...

About the book...

Parents with Price Tags will change your life!  There is an unspoken rule that is subconsciously passed down from generation to generation that dictates that we are to remain loyal, proud, discreet, and forever dedicated to our biological families -- no matter what the price. In this book, through the story of her own dysfunctional family, Rita Roberts brings a realistic and practical approach to understanding the negative effects of growing up in a dysfunctional family environment and offers solid solutions to break free from the generational cycle of negative family conditioning brought on by fear and control. Learn how to turn your life around and "re-parent" yourself in order to build a healthy self-esteem and to incorporate best-parenting practices while raising your children with unconditional love. In this book, you will also learn to... - recognize many common family problems and why they exist - identify issues in your family, understand why and how they affect you, and learn healthier alternatives to family life - replace feelings of fear and hopelessness with feelings of love and hope - stop being controlled and take control of your own life - find self-love and self-respect - embrace your true authentic self; and find the courage to live the life you deserve by taking the necessary steps that will change your life and lead you to inner peace and genuine happiness - guilt free!

Parents with Price Tags

Realistic solutions to common family problems.

Helping readers recognize unresolved childhood fears and emotional pain that may have manifested in their adult lives as overwhelming stress, anxiety or depression.

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